Sunday, July 7, 2013

KUBERA - Premium OpenCart Theme

KUBERA - Premium OpenCart Theme - Shopping OpenCart

Welcome to KUBERA

Theme OpenCart

KUBERA is a Premium OpenCart Theme. The design is
responsive and works on all devices with a minimum resolution
of 320px. It’s very easy to edit and customize.

DEMO SITE is a site of presentation for this theme and it’s used only
for this purpose. The images and texts presented belong to the
rightful owners and are not included in the package.

You can create accounts and make orders, product comments or
any other activity you consider, in order to make an idea about
the theme. Your personal information will not be used under no
circumstances and will be periodically deleted from the database.


Admin Demo

This presentation does not include all available options for the configuration of the site.
Login in the admin to see all available options for configurating the theme.
Click [Edit] on:
KUBERA – Store Information
KUBERA – Modules Settings
KUBERA – Store Settings
modules and navigate on the tabs to discover everything you can do.

Username: demo
Password: demo

Admin Demo


Help Documentation

Theme OpenCart     

The KUBERA package contains a
documentation, which you can use in order to install your
theme corectly and easy. Also you will find all
the details to customize your store as you wish.


For any questions about this theme you can contact me from my profile page. I will try to answer as soon as possible.

Profile  Portofolio  Follow me

RATE THIS THEME: Rate this theme
If you like KUBERA, please rate it. You can do this by accessing your download page and clicking on the stars displayed next to the “Download” button. Also you may explain your opinion, giving at the same time a very important feedback for the ThemeForest Team.

KUBERA Collection: (33 Items)
View My Public Collections to find all the used images on the demo site.
Also the product’s image source is:


* after you buy this theme you will have access to all future updates without extra costs


Update Theme      UPDATE Theme:
1. For this update I changed (almost) all files on the theme. I recommend to those that make an update to the newest version to make again the “Pre-install” (step 02 is a new step) and “Install Theme” (repeat step 02 because it has some changes) steps from the theme’s documentation. Also for those that have already installed the theme it is necessary to add all the variables linked to “text” again in admin, because the new update is full multi-language.
2. I customized all KUBERA admin modules (redesign, it looks better now).
3. I improved and changed theme documentation.
4. I added in admin new features:
   – All the demo sites are available as skin in admin
   – Added new tab “Subcategory Style” in Store Settings module
   – New available option:
     –– Hide “Home” link/tab (Store Settings > Header Settings)
     –– Hide “My Account” link/tab (Store Settings > Header Settings)
     –– Link Tab (Store Settings > Header Settings > Category Style)
     –– Multi-Level Category (Store Settings > Header Settings > Category Style)
     –– Category menu background color (Store Settings > Header Settings > Category Style)
     –– Link Tab (Store Settings > Header Settings > Custom Tab/Links)

Update Theme      UPDATE Theme:
1. For this update I changed (almost) all files on the theme.
2. I added in admin new features:
   – Breadcrumb style options
   – Grid item product title option
   – Google Fonts options
   – Back to top link options
   – Facebook Like Box options
   – Two new options for category style
   – Mini Shopping Cart header options

UPDATE Demo Site:
1. New demo site: KUBERA 2
2. New demo site: KUBERA 3

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