Saturday, June 22, 2013

Golden - responsive wordpress template

Golden - responsive wordpress template - Business Corporate

Golden – is wonderful, professional and easy to use template with lots of options and configurations. This theme has been created for people who want to save their own time for create nice and great looking page.

Fully responsive. Golden’s layout is fully responsive, from 1170px wide at it’s widest, down to mobile portrait size. It also is touch optimised for touchscreen devices.

A lot of shortcodes. Golden comes packed with a lot of shortcodes allowing you to add complex styled content with little effort. The shortcodes are available under the usual formatting options on the post / page text editor.

Custom and preset colors. – Golden has advanced theme options for color pickers for nearly every element you can see. Completely change the overall design of Inovado and create your own websites according to your corporate design within minutes.

PageSpeed Tools. – Theme was tested and optimized with Google PageSpeed Tools. Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions.

Boxed & Wide Layouts. – You can easily choose between a boxed or wide layout within the theme options. If you select the boxed layout, you able to use preset patterns or custom background for the site.

Quick & Easy Installation. – We have included XML dummy data file from our demo, and dump.sql file, this allows you to quickly set up your theme the same way our demo is set up. You can setup demo data in two ways:

  • 1. Use content data importer.
  • 2. Use dump.sql import via phpMyAdmin.

Typograhy Options. – You can choose your prefered font for text, headings and titles, as well as the option to choose from Google Web fonts & Web Standard fonts, with options to control the color, size & line height.

Advanced Portfolio Options. – You able to use 2-4 columns portfolio layouts, masonry layout, layout with sidebar and without, unlimited portfolio pages, custom categories, InfiniteScroll or load more button or simple pagination, use images, slides, videos, set the count of items per page, item filterable by tags or categories or both. You will be more than surprised!

Custom Widgets. – We have included a lot of custom widgets that you can easily drag and drop to activate and customize. Recent Comments, Twitter, Flickr, Recent Posts, Social Networks, Advertisments, Categories, Search, Text Widgets.

24/7 Customer Support. – We’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but we’ll do best to assist. Our main priority is our customers’ satisfaction.

Golden Features List

  • Responsive design – and you can turn it on or off in theme options
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • Custom post contact form
  • Easy Demo Import – Includes XML and SQL files
  • Logo Uploader
  • A lot of shortcodes
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Widget Ready
  • 7 Custom Widgets
    • Recent Comments widget
    • Recent Posts widget
    • Cycle widget
    • Social Networks widget
    • Advertisements widget
    • Twitter widget
    • Flickr widget
  • 8 Post Formats
    • Standard Post
    • Aside Post
    • Gallery Post
    • Link Post
    • Image Post
    • Quote Post
    • Video, Vimeo & YouTube Post
    • Audio Post
  • Advanced Blog Options.
    • Blog Title – your Blog Title used on Blog page
    • Related Posts Title – your Title used on Single Post page for related posts.
    • Sidebar position – you can select the position for the sidebar(right or left)
    • Blog image size – the Image size (Normal size or Large size) for the Blog page
    • Single post image size – the image size (Normal size or Large size) for the single post page.
    • Enable Meta for blog posts? – display meta for posts
    • & much more…
  • Fully Responsive
  • SEO Ready
  • Unique design
  • Well Documented
  • & much more…

Customer Support.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through Themeforest.

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